Friday, June 16, 2017

'Terima kasih teacher, tak pernah dapat markah banyak ni'

Tersentuh rasa di hati ini membaca ayat murid ini. Biarpun mendapat markah 26%, dia tetap berterima kasih kepada gurunya, Najihah Rahman, yang juga memberi dorongan kepada anak muridnya itu. Guru seperti ini layak diviralkan dan menjadi contoh kepada warga pendidik yang lain. 


Yesterday I distributed exam papers to my Year 4 kids. Note that they are in the last class. Being in a last class doesn't indicate that each and every one of them is 'useless', 'stupid' or 'misbehave'. Well, there is quite a percentage of that category but let's not elaborate. Let's emphasize on how well they behave as compared to the one in the first class. 

So there was a boy that was absent yesterday and today he came to claim his paper from me. He came closer and whispered in soft tone:

"Teacher, berapa saya dapat markah?"

"Oh semalam tak datang kan. Ni kertas awak. Dapat 26".

He smiled. And the cheeks, rosy red!

"Paling rendah ke ni teacher?" In the slowest tone so that his friends could not hear it.

"Suprisingly not! Bagus sebenarnya. Teacher puas hati sebab awak usaha sampai dapat banyak ni. Awak ni dalam kategori Linus (need extra help and guidance), tapi teacher bangga sebab awak dapat lagi tinggi daripada orang yang tak Linus."

"Ye ke?" He was overjoyed. My words flattered him. He took the paper, covered his face and turned around few times while whispering Yes Yes Yes! Syukur..

"Tahu tak kenapa awak boleh berjaya?"

"Sebab teacher ajar.."

"Bukan sebab tu semata-mata. Sebab awak ni tak pernah buat teacher sakit hati. Walaupun awak lambat sikit daripada orang lain, awak rajin. Kerja sekolah selalu buat. Dalam kelas kerja siap. Jumpa teacher muka selalu senyum. Selalu bagi salam, selalu tolong angkat barang. Teacher halalkan semua ilmu teacher dekat awak. Sebab tu Allah tolong awak. Mungkin orang fikir alah 26 je pun. Tak lulus pun. Tapi teacher bangga. Anak teacher ni baik sangat. Bersungguh."

His face turned red.

"Terima kasih teacher, tak pernah dapat banyak ni.

"Ye ke? Kira banyak sangat ni peningkatan. Tahniah. Nanti teacher bagi hadiah okay?"

"Boleh bawak balik tunjuk kat mak?"


He smiled and walked away.

Nowadays, we are lacking of good akhlak among our kids. Poor akhlak. Rude, boastful, lazy, and the list goes on.

There is a large number of teachers who are depressed, losing interest to teach because of this bad behavior.

Yang cakap banyak, konon pandai, kerja tak pernah siap konon bijak tu tak kemana pun. Trust me. Fix the akhlak. Everything will fall into its place.

Teachers, even the kids still couldnt reach the target, lets not hate them. Praise and celebrate their hardwork. Learning a language requires years of practice. Not a month.

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